Product Name: Portable Power Tennis retail Set >What's in the box - 1 easy to assemble net, 6 high density foam balls, 1 carry bag >Set up in less than a minute - The Portable Power Tennis net can be set up quickly and easily. The net frame is designed retail with an elastic cord running throughout the entire frame which makes set up a snap. Never lose pieces or have to figure out what order they go in. Frame can be disassembled just as quickly. >No Net Sag Ever - The net is designed to never sag. The net itself is elastic so it can be pulled to tension. Also, it was designed with 3 grommets on each side to increase tension if necessary. >The BEST Foam Balls - Our foam balls are made with very high density foam which make for a perfect bounce and durability. >Learn to drive the ball with full swings - Hitting with our foam balls allows the player to take full, driving, powerful swings, while keeping the ball in play. Portable Power Tennis is the perfect tool for learning a real tennis stroke.