Product Name: Pokémon trading card retail bundle dated mid-90s total of 34 cards
These are used handled cards. There's some in really good condition and some with scratches, fading and some with line markings. Selling as a bundle. -Trainer Celio's Network 88/112 -Dark Charmeleon 32/82 QTY:2 -Dark Flareon 35/82 -Dark Quilava 39/105 -Dark Rapidash 44/82 -Light Machoke 49/105 -Dark Kadabra 39/82 -Jynx 31/102 -Jynx 45/130 base set 2 -Trainer Pokémon center 114/130 base set 2 -Marowak 39/64 -Vibrava 47/97 (E-reader) -Kadabra 84/165 (E-reader) -Misty's Dewgong 54/132 -Parasect 41/64 -Kingler 38/62 -Jynx 31/102 -Exeggutor base set 2 39/130 -Gyarados 32/97 (e-reader) -Dunkles Blitza 38/82 -Energy darkness energy 99/111 -Pidgeotto 88/165 (E-reader) -lickitung 48/130 base set 2 -Trainer 76/82 Imposter Oaks revenge -haunter 43/130 base set 2 -Light Dewgong 45/105 -Trainer lucky stadium 100/105 -Trainer Bill's maintenance 137/165 (E-reader) -electrike 30/109 retail (E-reader) -Manectric 29/95 -Trainer Sabrina's Psychic -Houndoom 34/95 -Lairon 36/95 Will ship with care No sleeves.